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Monday, January 09, 2006

Go Forth and Write

Something's in the air.

First, via Chaos Theory I stumbled across a new site that looks pretty interesting for novelists who want a little company and incentive on their journey, NILTOY, Novel In Less Than One Year.

From their own description:

Welcome to NILTOY - Novel in Less Than One Year! We're so glad you stopped by! Step inside and discover how anyone can complete a 100,000-word novel in only ten months. Follow the links to the left for resources and links for writers, articles, the Forum and more.

While we owe our original concept to the great folks at NaNoWriMo, we are not associated with them in any way. NILTOY is a separate entity devoted to average people who want to write, but have difficulty finding (or making) the time to write. We are not about speed, but rather endurance. Make the commitment to write 500 words every day, create the habit, and you, too, can complete a 100,000-word novel in less than one year.

Pretty cool. They have a blog, a forum and whatnot. Check 'em out, if that intrigues you.

Then as I was reading Gwenda yesterday I saw another reference to "novel in a year," and thought, word of NILTOY is getting around.

But it wasn't.

It was something different. It seems that British author Louise Doughty has started a weekly column in the Telegraph encouraging wannabe novelists to just do it.

Write a novel this year.

And she, too, will have a message board for people to post and share. Also, she's giving assignments each week. Looks like fun.

So yes, something's in the air, the planets are aligning, and if you keep thinking about writing a novel and talking about writing a novel and planning to write a novel but haven't managed to do it?

Looks like now's the time, eh? The universe (or at least the internet) is trying to help you along.

Go for it.


At 6:25 PM, Blogger Candace said...

Pooks, the link to Louise Doughty's column on a forum on NilToy's site. I've written 1,082 more words on Paradise Parkway so far thanks to NilToy, and now I have a plot, thanks to your idea of a murder mystery. Woo-hoo!

At 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah! I found that Louise link (before posting it on NILTOY) and nearly choked until I found out it was someone else unrelated to our merry band entirely.

But good timing, eh? :)

At 6:53 PM, Blogger Patricia Burroughs aka Pooks said...

My sidebar is a mess (but not as messy as my desk, but we won't go there). I'm going to start posting links specific to novelists and screenwriters, and when I do, NILTOY will definitely be there.

I think it's a great idea.


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